A l’origine, chant monodique dont les paroles improvisées accompagnaient le mouvement circulaire des bœufs dans l’aire de battage du blé, les encouragements ainsi au travail…
O tribbiate, o tribbiate
Incù le corne palmulate.
O caspura, o caspura
Chi la paglia torni pula.
Torni pula, è torni granelle
Ne feremu pane è bastelle o o o.
Via tribbiera, è boi tribbiate
Chi dopu vi ripusate o o o.
Via l’osa, via l’osa
Tribbiemu la laziosa o o o.
Volte i gira, è voca tondu
Chi lu tribbiu pigli fondu.
Pigli fondu è pigli cima
Volta è gira cume prima o o o.
Petru Baghioni \ Raccolta da Petru Baghioni
Ivonna Nowicka
14 mai 2023 at 16:19
Dear CantiCorsi,
Thank you for publishing the lyrics of « Tribberia ».
I have heard Barbara Furtuna 13 years ago at a concert in Warsaw and loved it. But did not follow paghiella.
But last Thursday a friend left me a voice message on Telegram and there was some music in the background… Some mesmerising music which I immediately liked. It turned out it was the 40th minute of the film « Rogue City » (French: Bronx) with « Sumiglia » by A Filetta.
That was last Thursday, today is Sunday. Guess what I have been listening to all these days : ).
From A Filetta to I Muvrini to the Corsican anthem « Diu di Regina » to « Corsica » by Petru Guelfucci R.I.P, to more Petru Guelfucci to Voce di Corsica. And thus also to the « Tribe ».
I have written all this to say and to make you feel I am saying this from deep in my heart that I like your slogan « Canti Corsi una passione una vita » very much.
I am sure I will come back to your site for other lyrics.
Grazie mille
Saluti da Pulonia
Ivonna Nowicka
14 mai 2023 at 16:52
Oops – that was not Thursday, but Mardi – Tuesday!